Naturopathic Consultations

Meet Carly
Naturopath BHScNat & Yoga Therapist

Carly is a passionate Naturopath who believes we always need to take a holistic and individualised approach to our health. She loves investigating the core reasons behind health conditions and working with her clients to bring them back to a state of balance and full health.

Carly’s Naturopathic consultations aim to optimise a client’s overall health and wellness, with the aid of current scientific research, thorough pathology and functional testing interpretations, a deep understanding of the healing power of nutrition, vitamin/mineral supplementation, as well as herbal medicine and ancient Yoga therapy techniques.

​‘No matter what your health condition we can work together to create your individualised path to optimal health and wellbeing.’ – Carly

Carly holds a Bachelor of Health Science with a major in Naturopathy from The Southern School of Natural Medicine and is constantly updating her knowledge via professional development seminars. She has also spent many years learning yoga and yoga therapy techniques in India.

Carly knows that deep healing can occur when a client is heard and where compassionate care is given in a specifically tailored manner to suit individualised needs.

What I Specialize In

Digestive Health

IBS, SIBO, Food Intolerances/Allergies, Stool Testing, Dysbiosis, Heart burn, Gallbladder & Liver Health

Hormonal Balancing

PCOS, Endometriosis, PMS, Breast cysts, Amenorrhea, Painful periods


Preconception care, Pregnancy, Post Natal Care


Peri Menopause, Menopause and Post Menopause Health

Cardiovascular Health

Hypertension, Cholesterol, Healthy Aging


Individualised Detoxification Programs

Weight Loss

Individualised Weight Loss programs


Seasonal Allergies, Food Allergies and Skin Allergies

Healthy Kids/Teens

Baby health, children’s health and teen health

How Our Naturopathy Appointments Work

Your initial consultation

This consultation runs for approximately 1 hour. We discuss your whole health history, review tests, look at current health issues, diet and lifestyle and work to create a holistic treatment plan that feels right for you. As part of this consultation, you will receive a detailed Naturopathic report.
Zoom consultations available.

Return Consultation

This consultation runs for approximately 30-40 minutes. We will review your treatment plan, review tests, determine if any changes need to be made and set new goals.
Zoom consultations available.

Acute consultation

This is a shorter 30-minute consultation that is for acute conditions only. We will determine what acute supplements and dosages need to be given and what dietary changes need to be made.
Zoom consultations available.

Carly Merlo ~ Initial Naturopathic Consultation
Carly Merlo ~ Initial Naturopathic Consultation


Carly Merlo ~ Return Naturopathic Consultation
Carly Merlo ~ Return Naturopathic Consultation


Carly Merlo – Acute Naturopathic Consultation
Carly Merlo – Acute Naturopathic Consultation