Health & Wellbeing Goals for 2023


As we approach the end of the year, it’s important to take a moment to reflect upon yourself and determine what changes you would like to make about your health and wellbeing before the start of 2023.

By creating space and clarifying our priorities, we can let go of what no longer serves us and focus on our overall wellbeing. This will allow us to start the new year feeling energised and ready to tackle whatever comes our way. By making time for ourselves, we can take control of our lives, use the power of intention and begin crafting a vision for the year ahead.

It’s important to remember that taking care of ourselves is not selfish, but a necessary act of self-care that will ultimately benefit not only ourselves, but those around us as well.


In order to make change to your current lifestyle and overall health, you need to create some space to reflect on what’s working, what’s not working, where you need to shift your energy and what you need to let go of.

Take a moment to block out some space in your calendar for this reflection. Do you have 30 mins available this week? If your schedule is looking incredibly packed, where else could you find the time? Could you switch off your phone 30 minutes earlier one evening this week, pour yourself a cup of tea, and sit down with a notebook to work through this process? Could you set aside a small window of time this weekend to take yourself to a cafe or your favorite place in nature and have some me-time?

Creating space is a beautiful act of self-care and something we often forget to do. It’s about finding those micro moments in your day and in your week just to be with yourself in quiet reflection. It’s about having the courage to get honest about where your time is actually going and establishing some healthy boundaries to protect what’s most important to you.


Once you’ve created a pocket of space for yourself, the next step is to clarify your priorities for next year. At the end of the day, what is it that’s really important to you? How do you want to feel next year and how are you going to create that for yourself?

Many of us take on way too many things, and have great difficulty saying no to people. We often get caught up in feelings of overwhelm and trying to be everything to everyone. Pretty soon you find that you are running on empty and your own goals seem impossible. Clarifying your priorities is about taking a step back and getting honest about what’s important to you. It might feel like everything’s important, but the reality is, it’s time to let go of some of the things on your plate and be discerning.

Saying ‘no’ to social events and catching up with people is totally okay if you feel you need to focus on restoring and nurturing yourself. Make your wellbeing a priority.


Following on from the last step, an important part of clarifying your priorities is about deciding what to let go of. Because the truth is, you can’t do it all. No one can. And if you want to reset and feel refreshed before you start 2023, then chances are, you’ll need to let go of some things.

As you think about all of the things on your to-do list, reflect on where you can free up some time. What can come off the list? What can be delegated to someone else? What are the things you need to stop doing so you can feel more balanced and emotionally well?

This is such a crucial step. We need empty space in our lives with no commitments and no pressure. Space for you to choose what you would like to do to help you return to balance.


It goes without saying that for you to feel refreshed, you’ll need to make sure that you put some time aside to focus on your wellbeing. When there are so many things we need to get done and so many people in our lives that are counting on us in some way, we often push their own needs – including our wellbeing – to the bottom of the pile.

This is why being intentional about your wellbeing is so important – you want to be consciously creating your wellbeing with the actions that you take every single day, not just hoping for the best with random strategies. When it comes to wellbeing, the key here is to get back to basics. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you nourishing and moving your body? Are you making time to relax and restore your energy frequently?


Once you’ve created a little bit of space and are feeling more refreshed, it’s time to start dreaming and crafting a vision for what you want 2023 to look like.

To get you started, here are some questions for you to reflect on:

  • If there were between 4 and 6 words that describe how you want to feel and show up in 2023, what would they be?
  • What are your wildest and most hopeful dreams for the year?
  • What are the top 3 things that you want to accomplish in 2023 in regards to your health & wellbeing? Why do they matter to you?
  • What are the top 3 things that you want to accomplish in 2023 in your personal life? Why do they matter to you?
  • What will you make more time for in 2023?
  • What will you say no to in 2023?
  • What do you really want to say yes to in 2023?
  • What will you do to nourish and restore yourself?

To delve further into this process we have create a beautiful printable ebook for you! Download your 2023 Health and Wellbeing Planner by clicking on the link below. 

To book your Naturopathic appointment for 2023 simply click on button below. 

From everyone at The Otway Wellbeing Centre we wish you the most wonderful and magical year ahead that lights you up more than you ever dreamed possible!

Know that you can achieve anything you want to achieve.

Set your intention and move forward with courage!

Much love, peace and wellness to you

2023 Health and Wellbeing planner Reflect, Reset, Renew and See What incredible changes you can make to improve your life and wellbeing today